Winter Selection
Posted On Jun 30, 2020 | Aviation,Espionage,Military Biography,Military General,Naval,SIMMO,Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam,World War 2 1939 - 1945 | No Comments
Catalogue #232 comes in the middle of a reasonably cool winter. Lovely to see a bit of good rain in these parts. Our favourite lake has been replenished and the bird life is abundant. Being locked down at home for so long has suited me perfectly as it has Jo although she misses the personal interaction with her mates. But…it is what it is. We’ve been very responsible in the main here in WA except for the thousands of protestors who decided to do their own thing here in the city. Luckily at this stage there hasn’t been an outbreak of CV19 as a result. Victoria is a different scene though with many new cases reported daily. I’m not sure what these people don’t get about contagion. It doesn’t take much to spread an infectious disease like this. And so to books. There are many great books in this list, well priced and in fine condition. Where possible dust wrappers are in protective mylar/library-quality covers. It’s a pity so many good books can only be found in card covers (paperback) as many serious collectors search for good hard backs in dust wrappers. But that’s purely an economic decision by the publishers to allow as many people as possible to buy them. At the moment we’re working on a leather-bound edition of our very successful “SIMMO”, limited to 50 numbered and signed copies (only a few left!). At A$150 a fine book and well worth collecting. If interested you can order from this catalogue (see the front cover). Once they’re gone that’s the end of it. We still have a few hard backs available and will also have a paperback version available in a month or two extremely well priced. As usual this catalogue is dedicated to those among us who aren’t doing so well especially veterans who are struggling to transition to a peaceful civilian life. Via con Dios M&J |