Catalogue #260
Posted On Feb 06, 2023 | Special Forces and Airborne,The Great War 1914-1918,Vietnam,World War 2 1939 - 1945 | No Comments
Catalogue #260 is presented amid the scorching heat of a WA February whereas my son’s family in Toronto Canada are coping with minus 20 degree days. It’s as dry as a Methodist Picnic here in the West with the temp hovering between 35 and 40c. The ‘commander’ here loves the heat and is out walking in it daily. I much prefer the calm of cold nights and cool days in July-Aug. And a drop of rain wouldn’t go astray either. We do spare a thought for those caught up in floods on the East coast. Bit hard to blame these floods on anything in particular as this has always been a land of extremes. Floods, droughts and bush fires are all part of the landscape. All we can do is concentrate on mitigation and not build housing in flood plains. And bushfires can be minimized by removing a lot of the scrub and dry bush. But we never seem to learn what our First Nations people knew centuries ago. They burned the bush to foster new growth which in turn, attracted their prey animals such as the kangaroo.
In this catalogue we announce the establishment of the Imprimatur Books Auction site, (to be found on www.imprimaturbooks.com.au) the first auction going live on 12 FEB. Subscribe online to bid—all new subscribers in Feb go into the draw for a $300 book bundle—tell your friends. Initially, we will be offering 20 choice books with a reserve. They will be very hard to find one-offs and we hope a lot of interest being generated. Some of the lots will be real bargains. We will refresh the site on a monthly basis—sometimes with whole boxes of books with a low reserve. This catalogue is dedicated to the following who have died: Stretch Maker, Stretch McCrone and Charlie Stewart. All three were stalwarts of SAS service and we will miss them. Condolences to their families, mates and acquaintances. RIP. It is further dedicated to those servicemen and women who gave it their all and now suffer for it.
Vaya con Dios.
Mick and Jo